Submit beta feedback

Submitting feedback about your Shapr3D Beta icon-shapr3d-beta.png experience is highly encouraged so we can take note of any improvements and fixes to ensure a great user experience once the final version is released to Shapr3D icon-shapr3d-app.png.

You can submit beta feedback in the following ways:

Submit feedback via email

Send an email directly to with the following information and/or attachments:

  • Subject line – Enter a relevant subject line relevant to your feedback.
  • Description of the issue or bug – Describe the issue you experienced such as what tools or workflow you were doing when the issue occured.
  • Relevant file attachments
    • Visuals – Attach visual assets such as screenshots (Windows, iPadOS, macOS) or screen recordings (Windows, iPadOS, macOS) that visualizes the issue you experienced.
    • Project file (preferrably in .shapr format)Export your project with the issue and attach it to your email.
  • System or Device information
    • Windows – Provide the model version, CPU (processor), and GPU information of the device to help us identify device-specific issues.
    • iPadOS/macOS – Provide the device type, year, and memory information of your iPadOS or macOS device to help us identify device-specific issues.
      Note: You can take a screenshot of the device information pages and include them with the other attachments.
Submit feedback via Shapr3D Community

Go to Shapr3D Community and create a new post or comment to share your feedback.

Note: A Shapr3D Community account is different from a Shapr3D account. If you don’t have a Shapr3D Community account, select Sign Up at the top-right to create an account.

To create a new post in Shapr3D Community:

  1. Go to Shapr3D Community, then log in with your account.
  2. On the top-right corner, select New Topic.
  3. From the title field, enter a title relevant to your feedback.
  4. From the category drop-down, choose the topic about the beta feature you’re testing. Other common topics you can choose from are:
    • Need help? We are here. – Posts about questions you have about Shapr3D or issues you encounter that you need help with.
    • Feature requests – Posts about your suggestions, feedback, or comments about possible features that you think Shapr3D should implement in the future.
  5. Enter the following information and/or attachments to your post:
    • Subject line – Enter a relevant subject line relevant to your feedback.
    • Description of the issue or bug – Describe the issue you experienced such as what tools or workflow you were doing when the issue occured.
    • Relevant file attachments
      • Visuals – Attach visual assets such as screenshots (Windows, iPadOS, macOS) or screen recordings (Windows, iPadOS, macOS) that visualizes the issue you experienced.
      • Project file (preferrably in .shapr format)Export your project with the issue and attach it to your email.
    • System or Device information
      • Windows – Provide the model version, CPU (processor), and GPU information of the device to help us identify device-specific issues.
      • iPadOS/macOS – Provide the device type, year, and memory information of your iPadOS or macOS device to help us identify device-specific issues.
        Note: You can take a screenshot of the device information pages and include them with the other attachments.
  6. To add your attachments, simply drag and drop them to your draft.
  7. Once you’re ready to post, select Create Topic.
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