
The History sidebar provides you with the complete feature tree timeline of all edits you make to your model. The timeline consists of individual steps that are recorded every time you make an edit. Each step represents a feature or action with an expandable card that allows you to view or edit the corresponding parameters you defined.

Explore the History sidebar

To show or hide the History sidebar, tap History icon-history.png.

Each recorded step has an expandable card to view the parameters you previously defined. To expand a history card, click/tap the arrow beside the step.

History step settings

You can hover over a step and select the three dots to access the step settings. The step settings give you the option to do the following:

  • Insert Breakpoint – Adds a breakpoint after the step. Steps after the breakpoint are temporarily disabled and will not be visible on your model. To remove a breakpoint, simply hover over the breakpoint and then select the X.
  • Suppress/Unsuppress – Suppressing a step hides the step from the history and removes it from your design-build history while unsuppressing a step adds the step back to your model history. Suppressing and unsuppressing a step is useful for instances where you want to remove a step you created but don’t want to temporarily delete it.
  • Zoom To – Zooms to the part of your model where you performed the specific step.
  • Rename – Updates the step name.
  • Duplicate – Duplicates the step.
  • Delete – Deletes the step.
  • Expand/Collapse – Another way to expand or collapse the history card.


History card parameters

You can view or modify parameters you defined for relevant steps in their equivalent History card.

Below are some examples of parameters you can find in the history card for Extrude, Fillet, and, Chamfer:







Filter History steps

With the design history, all your modeling steps are recorded so you can always get back and modify the right step. As your model gets more and more complex, finding the step to edit may take some time. To help with that, you can filter steps for isolated or selected items in the History sidebar.

Filter by: Isolated items

When you filter by isolated items, the History sidebar automatically filters the history, so only those steps will be shown that are relevant to the isolated items.

To filter items by isolation:

  1. Select any part of your model.
  2. Turn on Isolate mode.

Filter by: Related to selection

When you filter by selection, the History sidebar automatically filters out the unrelated items for your selection.

To find a step of a certain detail on your model, simply select the detail on your model.

Once you select the detail on your model, Shapr3D only shows the steps relevant to your current selection. 

To filter items by selection, simply select any part of your model.

Merge History steps

You can merge the history steps for your model using the Merge option. By merging history steps:

  • All your sketches unlink or break their connections from bodies.
  • You combine all previous steps and delete all steps before and after the breakpoint.
  • You have the option to delete or keep sketches


You cannot recover merged history steps once you quit your project.

To merge history steps:

  1. Open History.
  2. From the History sidebar, select History.
  3. Choose what you want to happen to your sketches after merging:
    • Delete sketches – Deletes your sketches after merging.
    • Keep sketches – Keeps your sketches after merging.
  4. To finish, select Merge.



Learn more by watching the video below:

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