Tutorial series: Introducing Shapr3D basics
What you'll learn
Use basic shapes and lines to create the more unique, complex shape of a motorcycle cover design. You learn how to use various line types and set relationships between shapes. Then, form a 3D shape out of your 2D sketch as the basis for your motorcycle cover design.
Thanks for returning for part two of the cover. We'll get started right away placing some dimensions on our sketches from the previous video. Let's put a dimension on this circle. There is no explicit dimension tool. Simply selecting a sketch element will cause a dimension to be displayed. I'm going to use four inches. I'll just select on the dimension box and type in the number four.
on this second circle. I'll do the same thing. Click here and use eight inches. Next, I want to get these circles aligned to one another. So I'm going to sketch another line and I'm going to start this line at the center of one circle. So I'll click and click. To stop sketching the line, I'll hit the right mouse button or escape. Now select the line.
and we want to convert it to a construction line. So we'll click on this button. And next, we also want to make it a horizontal line, but you can see that it's slightly more vertical than horizontal. So if I click on this, it's going to snap to the vertical. To help myself out here, I'll click the center of the circle and drag it up slightly, reselect the line, and click on the horizontal vertical button.
to snap that into place. Now I can drag the circle as long as it's on a line that's horizontal from the origin. Next, I need to connect the circles with a couple of lines. Click on the line tool again, draw a line, click, click, right click or escape to get rid of that line and start another line down here. Click, click.
right-click. Now you notice that these lines are not tangent at the ends, but they do have this symbol which if I click on this down at the bottom it says that's a coincident constraint. So the end of the line touches the circle. If I move the line you can see it doesn't it doesn't move the way I want it to move. I want this to be tangent on both ends. So to make it tangent you can click
the circle or the line, and then shift click the other element. And now what's available to us is tangent. You'll need to do this four times. Click, shift click, tangent.
click, shift click, tangent. To get the correct distance between the two, I'll just click on the construction line and then click on the dimension. And this is nine inches. All that's left for us to do now is to trim out the sections of the circle that we don't need. So on the left-hand side, we'll grab the trim tool.
and we'll have to do this four times. Click, click, click, click. Notice that the tool tip that comes up says that the trim can also be accessed by using the T hotkey. Many of the tools available in Shapr have hotkeys, and you can see those when you get the tool tips, the hotkeys are shown right here as part of the tip. Now, if we drag any part of our
sketch and try to move it, Shapr3D is going to tell us that locked or constrained sketch parts can't be moved. And that's a good thing because we've got everything locked down with dimensions and sketch relation. Notice that the diameter dimensions that we originally put in have been converted to radius because arcs always get a radial value and complete circles always get a diameter value. To make this into a
3D feature, let's exit the sketch, and then press Ctrl 1 on the keyboard, which is a shortcut for the isometric view.
Now we can click inside the shape that we've just created. And these arrows are the interface for creating an extrude feature. There's two ways to do this. If you click on the arrow, you can now key in a number. And that's the distance of the extrude. Now I'll hit Control Z here to get back where I was and select inside again. And now if I...
Click, hold and drag this. That allows me to get a dynamic visualization of the extrude and I can drop it anywhere I want and then key in a value from there. I want to call your attention to the right-hand side of the screen where our history is showing us a list of the things that we've created. This will become more important the more complex your part gets. And we will visit this
in the next video. Thanks for watching.
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About the instructor
Matt Lombard is an independent product development professional,
working in the field for 30 years. He has done a variety
of work from plastics design and surfacing work to writing
instructional and reference materials and writing about
the engineering technology industry. Matt has also served
as CAD Admin, PDM implementor, and engineering process