Control the view of your modeling environment

Tutorial series: Introducing Shapr3D basics

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What you'll learn

Explore how to move around your modeling space. You get best practices for your chosen input devices, go-to keyboard shortcuts, selecting navigation presets, and working with navigation islands for section views, construction planes, and more.



In this video, I'd like to talk about how you can manipulate the view in the Shapr3D. Some of the simplest things that you can do are using the scroll wheel on your mouse or in your pointer device. You can zoom in and out. You can also use the two finger pinch method on your touchscreen. You can drag with the middle mouse button to pan the view, or you can drag with your right mouse button to rotate the view.


Of course, on a touch screen, you can use one finger to rotate. And if you have a space mouse, rotation and panning and zooming are all very easy. One of the most powerful parts of the interface for manipulating the view is the orientation cube in the upper right-hand corner. You can click on individual faces to get orthographic views. You can use the arrows to rotate.


the view around the center of the screen. You can also use the cube itself to rotate the model. Click on an edge to get an oblique view. Click on a corner to get an isometric view. Double click anywhere on the cube to bring it back to the default isometric view. You can also use hotkeys that are programmed in by default, such as control two for the front view, control three.


the rear view, 4 for top view, 5 for bottom view, 6 for the right view, and 7 for the left view. I left out control 1, which is of course the default isometric view. You can open the views panel and cycle through the various views of your model from this interface as well. The appearance tab


allows you to control the strength of your perspective or orthographic views. You can show hidden edges and when hidden edges are shown you have the ability to also select those hidden edges. Surface analysis is for understanding curvature and the zebra stripe display helps you do this. We'll revisit this later when we start talking about complex shapes.


display control that you can do is the section view. You can select any planar surface on your part and click on the section view and Shapr3D will show you a section of your part. In addition to flat surfaces, you can use any plane that's in the model. Let's create a plane, construction plane. I'll make it perpendicular to a curve at a point. There we have our plane.


And now with this plane selected, I can create a section view. If you need to make different section views, you can take that plane and move it.


and then turn the section view back on.


You could make several copies and move your section from plane to plane.


Navigation presets for other CAD programs that you might be familiar with are also available from the Help menu. Just navigate to Help, Navigation Presets, and this dialog will come up. And this allows you to select from various programs and apply those settings to Shapr3D. Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.


Try it yourself

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About the instructor


Matt Lombard is an independent product development professional, working in the field for 30 years. He has done a variety of work from plastics design and surfacing work to writing instructional and reference materials and writing about the engineering technology industry. Matt has also served as CAD Admin, PDM implementor, and engineering process consultant.

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