Maximize your productivity with these new updates to the History and export settings:
- New: Export GLB files
- New (Windows): Export USDZ files
- Improved: Manage references in History
- Improved (iPadOS & macOS): Export dialog user interface
- Improved (iPadOS): Export easier to the Files app and Share Sheet
- Fixed (iPadOS): Share Sheet now works properly
Export GLB files
Now you can export your projects as GLB files, making it easier to share and use 3D models across different platforms. Simply export your project and then choose GLB as your file format.
Export USDZ files
Now you can also export your projects as USDZ files on Windows devices.
Manage references in History
Now you can manage references directly within the History sidebar, making it easier to work with complex models.
To manage your parameter references, select Edit... from the History sidebar to find all the selected references for that specific parameter, as shown in the example below.
Export dialog user interface
The export dialog user interface for iPadOS and macOS devices now matches other platforms and uses more space to make finding the right file format easier.
Export easier to the Files app and Share Sheet
Now it’s easier to export directly to the Files app and through the iPadOS Share Sheet.
Share Sheet now works properly
The iPadOS Share Sheet no longer intermittently disappears and now works properly when exporting files.