Verify your Shapr3D account

To fully access the Shapr3D Customer Support portal, you need to verify your Shapr3D account email address.

Verify your account

Verify your email address and complete your account registration through your account page: 

  1. Go to the Shapr3D website icon-shapr3d-app.png
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Select your email address at the top right corner.
  4. In the drop-down menu, look for the alert about your unverified email address.


  5. Select Resend verification email in the drop-down menu to receive an email from Shapr3D to complete your account registration.
  6. Open the email and select Verify email address

Verification issues

If you haven't received the verification email, try the solutions below to help resolve your issue.

No email received

If you haven't received the verification email, try any of the following:

  • Check your registered email address for Shapr3D:  Go to your Account page to confirm the email for your Shapr3D account and ensure you're signed in to the correct email address.
  • Check your folders: If you're organizing your emails using folders, the verification email may have ended up in one of your folders. Make sure to check all your folders, including Spam.
  • Search for An easy way to find an email is through your email search bar. Simply type and look for the results in all your folders including Spam.
  • Check your spam filters: Your email might be detecting the email as spam. Check your filters and make sure is not on the list.
Email detected as spam

If you find the email in your spam folder, follow these steps:

  1. Move the email to your primary folder.
    Note: If the email remains in the spam folder, the verify email link will not work.
  2. Click the Verify email link to verify your email.
Whitelist Shapr3D

In some cases, you may need to whitelist Shapr3D's domain or IP addresses if your school or company implements stringent email security measures. Reach out to your domain provider and request to whitelist the domain or IP addresses of Shapr3D:

  • Domain: 
  • IP addresses:
Need more help?

If your email address is still unverified after you've completed the steps above, contact Shapr3D Support at detailing your issue, and a team member will assist you promptly.

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