Pattern (3D)

The Pattern icon-transform-pattern3d.png tool within the Transform menu creates patterns of 3D bodies, sketch profiles, or entire sketches. In 3D Modeling, a pattern is the arrangement of elements derived from the same source object.

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Unlike sketch patterns, patterning bodies will have no connection between them, but patterned bodies are automatically placed in a folder in the Items Manager to make selections easier. For information on patterning within a sketch, see Pattern (Sketch).

Linear pattern

A linear pattern can be distributed along one, two, or three straight axes. Follow these steps to create a linear pattern within the 3D environment: 

  1. Go to Transform > Pattern.
    For other methods of accessing this tool visit Accessing tools.
  2. Select Type to access the Pattern type menu.
  3. Choose Linear as the pattern type. 
  4. Select the bodies or sketch profiles you want to pattern.
    Note: Double-click/double-tap on a face to select a body. 
  5. Customize the pattern using the pattern control badges:
    • Pattern Definition – Use the first pattern control badge to select how you want to define the pattern. The options include:
      • Total Distance [Total] – Select this option to define the pattern using an overall dimension for the pattern. Copies of the selected sketch elements will be equally spaced across the dimension specified. 
      • Spacing Distance [Spacing] – Select this option to define the pattern by specifying the distance between each copied instance.
    • Quantity – Use this pattern control badge to enter the number of copies required for the pattern.
  6. Drag a gizmo arrow in the direction you wish to create the pattern. 
  7. Select the dimension label next to Total or Spacing and specify the desired value in the numpad.
  8. To define a second or third direction for the pattern, repeat steps 5 & 6 with the other available gizmo arrows.
  9. Complete the Pattern tool by selecting Done.

Circular pattern

A circular pattern distributes copies of selected elements around a specified center point. Follow these steps to create a circular pattern within the 3D environment: 

  1. Go to Transform > Pattern
    For other methods of accessing this tool visit Accessing tools.
  2. Select Type to access the Pattern type menu.
  3. Choose Circular as the pattern type. 
  4. Select the bodies or sketch profiles you want to pattern.
    Note: Double-click/double-tap on a face to select a body. 
  5. Move the gizmo center to where you want the pattern center to be.
  6. Customize the pattern using the pattern control badges:
    • Pattern Definition –  Use the first pattern control badge to select how you want to define the pattern. 
      • Total Angle [Total] –  Select this option to define a pattern using an overall angle for the pattern. Copies of the selected sketch elements will be equally spaced across the angle specified. 
      • Spacing Angle [Spacing] – Select this option to define the pattern by specifying the angle between each copied instance. 
    • Quantity – Use this pattern control badge to enter the number of copies required for the pattern.
    • Circular Orientation – Use this pattern control badge to define how the pattern instances will be rotated. The options include:
      • Uniform – Select this option to maintain the original item’s orientation for each copy.
      • Rotated – Select this option to rotate each copy’s orientation relative to the gizmo center. 
  7. Drag a gizmo arrow in a circular motion to create the pattern.
  8. Select the dimension label next to Total or Spacing and specify the desired angle value in the numpad.
  9. Complete the Pattern tool by selecting Done.

History settings

To manage history settings for the Pattern action, find the step for your specific pattern and then view or modify the following:

  • Target Bodies – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different target body and then select Done to finish.
  • Target Faces – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different target face and then select Done to finish.
  • Definition – Click/tap the dropdown to choose between Spacing Distance and Total Distance.
  • Quantity – Enter your preferred quantity for the pattern.
  • Distance – Enter your preferred pattern distance.



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