5.420 - 2D Drawings dimensions

In this release, we've provided a few improvements for the 2D Drawings feature:

2D Drawings snapping dimensions

Dimensions in 2D Drawings now snap to help you create better-looking and more organized drawings. Simply add a new dimension, then adjust it to your desired placement.

In this example, notice how the new dimension snaps at equal increments. This allows you to easily match your dimensions to existing ones, or place them symmetrically at a new location.


Duplicate 2D Drawings

Another update we have for 2D Drawings is the option to duplicate existing drawings. Now you can quickly create customized variants without the need to reselect your 3D model and recreate your preferences.

To create a duplicate drawing, right-click (secondary click) on your drawing, then from the context menu, select Duplicate. Your duplicate 2D drawing is added automatically to the Drawings sidebar, allowing you to select and modify it accordingly.


SLDASM file import

Just like in Shapr3D Windows, you can now load linked files automatically when importing SLDASM files in Shapr3D iPad or Shapr3D Mac.

Simply navigate to a directory that contains the files to link them. Make sure that your filenames match the filenames of the original assembly file structure so the missing links are automatically identified.

To add any remaining missing links or change them to another file, select Browse next to the individual part to choose the new file, then select Continue to finish.

Once the files are linked, you can uncheck or check the components you want to reference as seen in the example below.


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