
The Circle icon-sketch-circle.png tool creates a closed sketch profile with a constant radius.

Create a circle

Keyboard and mouse/trackpad Touch and pen
To create a circle:
  1. Define your sketch plane, go to Sketch > Circle.
    For other methods of accessing this tool, visit Accessing tools.
  2. Click to place the center of the circle, then click to place the diameter of the circle.
    Note: You can specify the value for the circle annotation by entering it on the keyboard before placing the diameter.


When drawing the circle or selecting an existing circle, you will see either a radius or diameter dimension label, depending on your Circular Annotations setting in Settings or Preferences

History settings

To manage history settings for the automatic Circle action, find the step for your specific sketch and then view or modify the following:

  • Plane – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify the plane or face where you want the sketch to be and then select Done.



Learn more by watching the video below:


Read more

For information on how to edit the dimensions of a sketch, visit Editing sketch dimensions.

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