
Use the Rectangle icon-sketch-rectangle-center.png tool under the Sketch menu to create rectangles and adjust their dimensions.

Create a rectangle 

Keyboard and mouse/trackpad Touch and pen

To select the type of rectangle you want to create, follow these steps:

  1. Define your sketch plane, go to Sketch > Rectangle.
    For other methods of accessing this tool, visit Accessing tools.
  2. Select the menu below Rectangle to access the Rectangle type options.
    • Center rectangleA center rectangle is defined by its center point. When you select somewhere on the grid, that point becomes the center of the rectangle (and an anchor point, which is indicated by the X-mark) and you can drag the shape to create the sides of the rectangle. 
    • Diagonal rectangle – A diagonal rectangle is defined by its two opposite corners. When you select somewhere on the grid, you need to drag an imaginary diagonal line. This line becomes the diagonal length of the rectangle, and the initial point becomes the anchor point.
    • Three-point rectangle – A three-point rectangle is defined by three points by first drawing a baseline, and then drawing the height. The remaining sides of the rectangle are automatically created based on the two sides, or three points you specified. The first point you create becomes the anchor point.
  3. Select the type of rectangle you want to create.

To create a Center Rectangle:

  1. Click to place the center of the rectangle
  2. Drag your cursor and click to place an outer vertex for the rectangle.

To create a Diagonal Rectangle :

  1. Click to place the starting diagonal point of the rectangle.
  2. Drag your cursor diagonally and click to place an outer vertex for the rectangle.

To create a Three-Point Rectangle:

  1. Click to place the starting point of the rectangle, then move your pointer to draw a line. This will be the length of your baseline. Click to finalize the length of the baseline.
  2. Move your pointer perpendicular to the baseline to define the shape of the rectangle. Click to finalize the shape of the rectangle

History settings

To manage history settings for the automatic Rectangle action, find the step for your specific sketch and then view or modify the following:

  • Plane – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify the plane or face where you want the sketch to be and then select Done.
  • Projection – If applicable, click/tap Edit… to modify any existing projections to your sketch.
    Note: To learn more about sketch projections, visit Project.



Learn more by watching the video below:


Read more

For information on how to edit the dimensions of a sketch, visit Editing sketch dimensions.

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