
The Polygon icon-sketch-polygon-pentagon.png tool creates a closed sketch profile with a specified number of equal sides. There are several pre-defined polygon types available. Once a polygon is created, you can customize the number of sides if necessary. 

Create a polygon

Keyboard and mouse/trackpad Touch and pen

To create a Polygon:

  1. Define your sketch plane, go to Sketch > Polygon.
    For other methods of accessing this tool, visit Accessing tools.
  2. Select the menu below Polygon to access the Polygon type options.
  3. Select the type of polygon you want to create. The types of pre-defined polygons include:
    • Triangle 
    • Pentagon 
    • Hexagon 
    • Octagon
      Note: You can adjust the number of sides for the polygon after you place it in the sketch.
  4. Click to place the center of the polygon, then move your pointer to define the radius. Click to place the outer vertex.
    Note: You can specify the radius for the polygon before placing the vertex by typing the value.
  5. Use the dimension labels to adjust the number of polygon sides and define the radius.
    Note: The label for adjusting the number of sides will only be available immediately after creating the polygon. If you need to adjust this parameter, select the sides label first. Once another selection is made, the sides label will disappear.

History settings

To manage history settings for the automatic Polygon action, find the step for your specific sketch and then view or modify the following:

  • Plane – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify the plane or face where you want the sketch to be and then select Done.
  • Projection – If applicable, click/tap Edit… to modify any existing projections to your sketch.
    Note: To learn more about sketch projections, visit Project.



Learn more by watching the video below:


Read more

For information on how to edit the dimensions of a sketch, visit Editing sketch dimensions.

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