The Text tool lets you add text to your projects. You can add text to a default plane, a face, or a construction plane. Text is created as sketch profiles and can be used for solid features in the same way as any other sketch.
Add a text
To use the Text tool:
- Determine how you want the text to be added to your model.
- To add text to a default plane:
- Adjust your view to look normal to the desired plane.
- Go to Sketch > Text.
- To add text to an existing face or construction plane:
- Pre-select an existing planar face or construction plane.
- In the Adaptive User Interface menu at the left, select Add Text.
Note: You may need to select More to access the Add Text tool.
- To add text to a default plane:
- Use the Add Text dialog to define the text.
- Enter the text into the Content field.
- Adjust the Font, Height, and Alignment settings.
Note: Shapr3D recognizes all fonts installed on your device.
- Select Continue.
- Position the text using the gizmo.
- Select Done.
History settings
To manage history settings for the automatic Text action, find the step for your specific sketch and then view or modify the following:
- Plane – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify the plane or face where you want the sketch to be and then select Done.
Projection – If applicable, click/tap Edit… to modify any existing projections to your sketch.
Note: To learn more about sketch projections, visit Project.
Learn more by watching the video below:
Note: Once the Text tool is completed, the text can only be edited as sketch elements.
If you have chosen a font that produces discontinuous sections, you may need to adjust the sketch before the text can be used for a solid feature.