You can use the Offset Face tool to adjust the thickness of faces or bodies by offsetting them. When you offset a face, tangent faces are automatically included in the offset action.
Offsetting faces allows you to:
- Modify thickness by adding or removing material.
- Resize features like holes by expanding or contracting their boundaries.
- Make precise adjustments to isolated parts within patterned designs.
Using the Offset Face tool
To use the Offset Face tool:
Go to Tool > Offset Face.
For other methods of accessing this tool Accessing tools.
- Select the face or faces you want to offset.
- Use the gizmo to offset the selected face or enter your preferred offset face distance.
- Optional: If you select only one flat face, you can select the gizmo to choose a Distance Type.
- To finish, select Done.
Note: When using Offset Face from the adaptive menu, select an empty area of the grid to complete the tool.
Offset Face Distance Type
When using the Offset Face tool, you can choose a Distance Type to determine how the offset is applied. This option is available only when a single face is selected, allowing for precise control over the offset operation.
- Radius/Diameter: Adjusts circular faces based on their type. For full circular faces, the diameter is expanded or contracted symmetrically around the center. For partial circular faces, the radius is adjusted.
- Total: Sets the overall thickness by offsetting the face and its opposite face (if available) to match the specified total distance.
- Offset: Moves the face by a specific distance relative to its original position. When multiple faces are selected, Offset is the only available option.
Comparing tool functions
When familiarizing yourself with Shapr3D tools, Offset Face and Extrude may appear similar, but each has a unique role:
Offset Face
- Adjusts the thickness or position of faces, modifying a body by extending or trimming adjacent faces without creating new geometry.
- Unlike Extrude, Offset Face works on both planar and non-planar faces, making it versatile for refining shapes.
- Creates a 3D body from a 2D sketch or extends extrusions, adding geometry to a feature.
- Limited to planar faces for creating new bodies.
Practical applications
The Offset Face tool offers flexibility across various design scenarios. Here are a few examples of how it can be applied:
- Adjusting wall thickness: Offset Face is ideal for modifying wall thickness in a model. For instance, in a hollow box, you can select and offset an inner wall face inward to reduce thickness without affecting the outer dimensions.
- Customizing patterned features: When working with patterned bodies or holes, you can use Offset Face to modify individual instances within the pattern without altering the others. This is helpful if a specific feature within the pattern needs to differ from the rest.
- Offsetting adjacent faces: Offset Face can adjust multiple connected faces at once, applying consistent modifications across adjacent surfaces. This is useful when you need to make uniform adjustments across a feature with several connected faces, such as tapering or expanding a portion of a part.
- Quickly adjusting prototypes: In prototyping, Offset Face enables rapid adjustments to dimensions without needing to redraw sketches. This is especially useful for iterating on models when refining designs based on physical tests or feedback.
History settings
To manage history settings for the Offset Face action, find the step for your specific face offset and then view or modify the following:
Multiple face offsets
Face – Click/tap Edit… or Select…to choose a different face to offset and then select Done to finish.
Distance – Enter the offset distance for a single offset or Offset distance type.
Single face offset
- Face – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different face to offset and then select Done to finish.
Distance Type – Choose how the offset is applied by selecting one of the following:
Radius/Diameter – Adjusts the dimensions of circular faces. Selecting this type reveals the following field(s):
Radius/Diameter – Enter the radius or diameter value for your selection.
Note: When switching from Radius/Diameter to Offset, the radius/diameter value is applied as the offset distance, which may lead to unexpected results.
Radius/Diameter – Enter the radius or diameter value for your selection.
Total – Sets the overall thickness across the face and its opposite face. Selecting this type reveals the following field(s):
- Total Distance – Enter the total thickness for your selection.
Opposite Face – Select Edit to adjust or change the opposite face.
Offset – Sets a specific distance from the original face position, adjusting the face independently. Selecting this type reveals the following field(s):
Offset Distance – Enter the offset distance for a single offset or Offset distance type.
Note: For multiple face selections, Offset Distance is the only available option.
Offset Distance – Enter the offset distance for a single offset or Offset distance type.
Radius/Diameter – Adjusts the dimensions of circular faces. Selecting this type reveals the following field(s):
Learn more by watching the video below: