
In CAD modeling, you can use boolean operations to create complex shapes and forms of your models.

Subtract icon-tools-subtract.png is one of the boolean operations in Shapr3D that you can use on overlapping bodies to remove or subtract the volume of a selected body from another body. To use this tool, you must have at least two overlapping bodies.

To use the Subtract tool:

  1. Go to Tools > Subtract.
    For other methods of accessing this tool Accessing tools.
  2. Select the target body or bodies that you want to remove from. Target bodies are highlighted in purple and marked with a target badge (+).
    Note: In History, this body will be your Target parameter. You can select the badge to toggle the desired state of the selected body. 
  3. Select the bodies that you want to subtract from the target body. These bodies are highlighted in blue and marked with a subtract badge (-).
    Note: In History, this body will be your Tool parameter. You can select the badge to toggle the desired state of the selected body.
  4. If necessary, adjust the Keep Originals settings at the left. You can keep the original of the following:
    • All - With this option selected, the results of the Subtract tool are created as a new body, and the original bodies will still be available.
    • Modified Bodies - The bodies being modified are the target bodies (highlighted in purple). With this option selected, the results of the Subtract are created as a new body and the original target bodies will still be available. 
    • Removed Bodies - The bodies being removed. With this option selected, the results of the Subtract tool are created as a new body and the original bodies will still be available. The target bodies will be removed.
    • None - With this option selected, only the results of the Subtract tool remain. The original bodies will be removed.
  5. Select Done

History settings

To manage history settings for the Subtract action, find the step for your specific subtraction and then view or modify the following:

  • Target – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different body you want to subtract from and then select Done to finish.
  • Tool – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different body you want to subtract and then select Done to finish.
  • Type – Select the dropdown to update the boolean type to either Union, Subtract, or Intersect.
    Note: Make sure to update the Target and Tool settings that apply to your selected boolean type.
  • Keep Target Bodies – Turn on to keep target bodies.
  • Keep Tool Bodies – Turn on to keep tool bodies.



Learn more by watching the video below:

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