
The Sweep icon-tools-sweep.png tool can extrude a profile along a selected path. The profile can be a closed sketch or face. The path, or spine, can be sketch elements or edges of a body. This tool is useful for creating complex bodies such as pipe systems, cables, wires, and other shapes with a uniform cross-section. For shapes that have varying cross-sections, use the Loft tool.

To use the Sweep tool:

  1. Ensure you have the elements necessary for the Sweep, including:
    • Profile - A sketch profile or face that you will extrude.
    • Spine - Sketch elements or edges that the profile will follow.
  2. Go to Tools > Sweep.
    For other methods of accessing this tool Accessing tools.
  3. Select the profile or profiles. 
  4. Select Next.
  5. Select the spine or spines.
  6. Select Done


When using Sweep from the adaptive menu, select the profile and all spines before activating the tool

History settings

To manage history settings for the Sweep action, find the step for your specific sweep and then view or modify the following:

  • Profile – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different sketch profile for the Sweep action and then select Done to finish.
  • Path – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to choose a different path for the Sweep action and then select Done to finish. 



Learn more by watching the video below:

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