You can use the Project tool to cast or project sketches, edges, or faces onto another face or sketch on the same plane.
Projections create a relation or connection with the projected items that allows you to:
- Project different types of items onto complex, non-planar faces.
- Create sketches on faces based on existing 3D geometry.
- Create reference geometry that you can use for other operations.
- Merge sketches that are on the same plane but belong to separate sketches.
Create projections of items
To use the Project tool:
Go to Tools > Project.
For other methods of accessing this tool Accessing tools. - Choose a Projection Type.
- For Sketch Projections: Turn on Linked Sketch if you want to retain a relation or connection between your projected item and the resulting sketch projection.
- Select the item you want to project. In History, this selection becomes your Items to Project parameter.
Note: Each selection is indicated with a blue badge. You can click/tap the badge to change or cancel the selection. -
Select the surface that you want to project on. In History, this selection becomes your Projection surface parameter.
Note: The target surface will be colored purple, and you’ll see a preview of your projection. You can click/tap the badge to change or cancel the selection. - To finish, select Done.
Edge projections
Unlike sketch projections, edge projections are created like geometrical properties of the body.
When you project your items as edges to a surface of a body, the resulting edge projection:
- splits the surface into different sections
- is always visible with the body even if sketches are hidden
- automatically follows any changes or adjustments you make to the shape or size of the original item you projected
Check out some examples below to learn how you can use edge projections in your modeling workflow.
Example 1
In the example model, we have a bottle with groove designs on the cap.
To achieve these grooves, we can use the Project tool to project a rectangular-shaped edge onto a cylindrical body and then use the Chamfer/Fillet tool to create the desired shape and curves.
Lastly, you can use the Pattern tool to create a circular pattern around the cylinder.
Example 2
In the example model below, we have a circular ridge on a non-planar surface of the body.
To create this kind of ridge on this particular surface, we can use the Project tool to create a circular projection onto the applicable surfaces.
We can then use the Sweep tool to create the ridge by using the circular projection as the spine or path. To create the sketch profile, we can simply add an On Curve at Point construction plane to the circular projection.
Sketch projections
Sketch projections are useful for creating references or visualizing aspects of your design such as when you need a reference to better understand spatial relationships between different parts of your model. You can also use the Project tool to merge sketches that are on the same plane but exist in separate sketches, combining them into a single unified sketch for easier management and editing.
When you project your items as sketches to a surface of a body, the resulting sketch projection:
- is treated like a regular sketch item that can be hidden in the Items Manager
- can be used as reference sketches similar to how you treat sketches when directly sketching on a face
Check out the example below to learn how you can use sketch projections in your modeling workflow.
In the example model below, we have an elliptical hole going through the rounded corners of the body.
To make a hole that perfectly fits the rounded corners, we can create a sketch projection of the curved edges onto a sketch plane.
We can then draw the ellipse on the sketch plane while using the sketch projections as guides and then use the Extrude tool to cut the hole shape we want.
Items to project
Items you can project onto another surface can be sketches, edges, faces, or entire bodies.
Items to project | Sample scenario | |||
Sketches | You want to create the same sketch on a specific planar surface of your model. | |||
Edges |
You need a reference for the distance between edges when you need to create a sketch that fits the edge dimensions. |
Faces |
You want to create an engraving of a specific face onto a surface of your model. |
Entire bodies |
You want to create a 2D symbol for the shape of the entire body. |
Projection surface
Surfaces you can project onto can be planar or non-planar surfaces:
- Planar – You can create both edge and sketch projections.
- Non-planar – You can only create edge projections. Sketch projections aren’t possible similar to how you can’t create sketches directly on non-planar surfaces.
Projection surface | Sample scenario | |||
Planar | You want to project a complex shape onto a specific surface of your model. | |||
Non-planar |
You want a complex shape to conform to the curvature and contour of a specific surface of your model. |
Relation between projections and projected items
When you create projections, a relation or connection is formed between the original item and the resulting projection.
Similar to the sketch pattern constraint concept, your projections will automatically follow any adjustments you make to the size or shape of the original item you projected.
History settings
To manage history settings for the Project action, find the step for your specific projection and then view or modify the following:
Edge projections
- Projection Surface – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify the projection surface and then select Done to finish.
Items to Project – Click/tap Edit…or Select…to modify the items to project and then select Done.
Sketch projections
Just like regular sketch items, the default name for sketch projections is Sketch.
- Plane – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify the plane or face where you want the sketch to be and then select Done.
Projection – Click/tap Edit… or Select… to modify any existing projections for your sketch.
Learn more by watching the video below: